“Changing organizations together.”

The standard we hold ourselves to, is to build relationships with our clients that are founded on mutual trust and shared values. We accompany permanent change in an organization in a professional and engaging manner. We therefore would like to let our clients speak for themselves:

“The task was to accompany my new department – fusion of 2 departments – through a team workshop and to make 4 team leaders, 1 department head and 4 teams fit for the future.

Reet accepted the challenge and accompanied me competently in form of a “gemischtes Doppel” (German: mixed double): Together with Roland Mittelmaier und Carla Hegeler and employing process accompaniment in the leadership team, individual consultation and an event with the large group, I managed to improve the content orientation and overall cooperation in what is a professionally and temperamentally a very heterogeneous group. The intervention qualities, reflexiveness, and customer orientation of the two are really high. Preparation, setting up and execution as well as the follow-up meetings for the different services were very much to my liking, just like their engaging hands-on work with difficult interpersonal situations.Head of Product Management and Calculations Business Customers



“The project ‘Qualitätsbewusstsein’ (German: quality awareness), which we executed with the help of reet, was in comparison to the other projects that I have been in charge of so far very out of the ordinary: It was a project with a hard to define starting point, where even the path for implementation of the planned project end result were completely unclear at that point in time. After a very thorough market research we decided for the support of reet, because we were impressed by their fresh, engaging and creative attitude and their openness to new ideas and approaches. We had the impression that reet didn’t just want to sell us “trusted” standard solutions. This was confirmed in the project’s conceptualization phase, in which reet together with us developed a tailor-made evaluation and implementation package. During the implementation reet proved themselves as exceedingly engaged, motivated and flexible. In this area to which all of us were new, the careful attention to the emotional state of the project members as well as to that of the connected departments was extremely important: several times a modification of the strategy was necessary and was executed smoothly and trouble-free and even went unnoticed by people external to the project. The result of the project ‘Qualitätsbewusstsein’ was equally impressive and impressionable for the sponsor, project management and project members alike: We learned how important the role model function of each individual is, the definition of ‘rules & regulations’ as well as how to implement them and fill them with life. Besides the excellent result, the fun and the joy of laughing was also never forgotten

– Jürgen Brönner, Head of Operations for Quality Management


“My starting point was a promotion that raised me from my previous groups of colleagues to an executive position. In this new role it was particular important to me to find the right balance between comradery and authority. With very competent and individual guidance reet greatly helped me on this path. Especially helpful for me, was becoming conscious of my own basic patterns of behavior. From this we then developed strategies that can help me to get orientated in different situations.”

– Head of Information Science, PHARMACEUTICAL BRANCH



If you have gotten curious and would like to know more, we are very happy to give you detailed references. Just get in touch!