“We support individuals in organizations.”

We are Organization Developers: our goal is to successfully design and implement transformation processes in organizations through Change Management and Transition.

Change Management means for us to support our client by providing the right tools, processes and structures. Transition describes the guidance we provide for our client in the corresponding psychological reorientation of all involved parties – including new mindsets, attitudes and patterns of behavior. Interconnecting these two dimensions of development is the foundation for a successful process of change.

This developmental process always involves forming new perspectives and implementing goals, in short the switch from an old and known state to a new and less familiar one. Structuring and designing the often complex transitions and convincing the involved parties early on of the benefits of this permanent change is a challenging task for the responsible executives in the organisation. We are by your side with knowledge and experience.

Leveraging organizational potential: We deeply believe that people and teams have a natural interest in development and growth. Nevertheless people in organizations find themthelves in phases of stagnation and paralysation.
Our passion is to initiate new motions for change: We empower transformations. For us, leveraging organizational potential is to enable our clients to create healthy, valuable, lively and robust organizations which are smart, business-driven ready for the future.